

Travis Patrick Early

Travis Patrick Early

文史老师; 纽约州立大学波茨坦分校; 英国文学与历史学士学位; 7年教学经验; 3年英语培训学校的教育管理和培训经验。

History Literature Teacher; State University of New York at Potsdam; Bachelor of Arts Literature and History; Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society; Humanities Teacher, Park Ranger, Improv Boston Player, Videographer, Podcaster, Writer.

Michael Matteo

Michael Matteo

文学老师; 佛罗里达州和德克萨斯州的教师资格证; 课程主任和教学校长30年教龄; 在多家国际学校担任教师、ESL主任、副校长; 教育家、作家和剧作家,文学老师。

Literature teacher; Head of humanities Department; Teaching certifications in Florida and Texas; Course director and teaching principles with 30+ years of teaching experience; Being a teacher, ESL director and vice principal and academic headmaster at several international schools; Educator, author, screenwriter, playwright, SAT, ACT, social studies and English teacher.

Richard John Vinton

Richard John Vinton

文史老师; 德克斯大学奥斯丁分校金融学士; 7年以上哲学、历史、英语教学经验。

History Literature Teacher; University of Texas at Austin; Bachelor of Finance; over 7 years of teaching experience in subjects ranging from Philosophy, History and English.

Andy Zhu

Andy Zhu

数学老师; 布朗大学纯数学硕士多年高校助教经验; 4年国际高中数学教育经验。

Math Teacher; Master of Mathematics, Brown University; Years of teaching assistant experience in renown universities; 4 years mathematics education experience in international schools.

Brendan M. Cote

Brendan M. Cote

学术政协协调员&生物老师; 美国国立大学科学教育管理硕士; 科罗拉多州立大学文学学士,主修人类学; 加利福尼亚教师资格证,PRAXIS教育认证; 15年以上教学及科学部主任经验。

Academic Policy Control Coordinator & Biology Teacher; National University Bachelor of Science and Education Management; Colorado State University Master of Arts; California Teaching Certification; 15 years teaching experience.

Peter Matthews

Peter Matthews

化学; 英国纽卡斯尔大学化学硕士; 8年教学经验。

Head of Science Department; Chemistry teacher; University of Newcastle, Master of Chemistry; 8 years teaching experience.

Mason Zhang

Mason Zhang

STEM课程老师; 5年华为欧洲地区无线网络技术工作经验; 为Vodafone、O2、TeliaSonera等知名运营商进行无线网络专业知识指导; 丰富机械工程项目经验,善于将机械原理融入课堂教学。

Stem Teacher; 5 years experience in wireless network technology of huawei in Europe; Provided wireless network professional guidance for Vodafone, O2, TeliaSonera and other well-known operators.

Chris Zhu

Chris Zhu

ESL教学主管; 电子科技大学讲师; 留学学业英语教学组长; 曾为多所学校获项目(大学合作办学项目、国际学校、国际部)负责TOEFL等课程的架构设计及实施。 研究方向:计算机语言学、语料库语言学及其在语言教学与评估中的应用。 教学研发:大明托福目标英语教学及测评体系,动态跟踪词汇学习及测评系统。

Head of ESL Department; Lecturer at UESTC (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Used to be Director of Language Center at UESTC; Academic interests: Computational Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics and their applications in language teaching and assessment. Products based on research: GrandMing TOEFL-oriented English teaching and assessment system.

Demo Peng

Demo Peng

ESL教师; 浙江大学英语专业学士; 美国乔治城大学应用语言学硕士; 托福口语满分; 擅长托福口语、听力及思维逻辑培养; 善用批判性思维激发学生兴趣和动力。

TOFEL Teacher; B.A. in English, Zhejiang University; M.S. in Applied Linguistics, Georgetown University; TOEFL Speaking full score; Experienced in teaching TOEFL speaking, listening, and logic training; Passionate about uplifting students' motivation and interest through critical thinking.

Dennis Slaman

Dennis Slaman

体育老师; 四年年国际体育教育经验; 曾在奥尔肖特军事基地训练陆军地面部队服役。 PE Teacher; 4years teaching experience; Ferris. 3年体育教育经验; 积极、热情、专注与教育事业; 致力于创造积极的课堂氛围,拥有优秀的沟通能力。 PE Teacher; 4years teaching experience.

David Symons

David Symons

艺术老师; PGCE:中级艺术与设计; 5年教学经验。

Art Teacher; PGCE: secondary art and design; 4years teaching experience.

Dexter Xiang

Dexter Xiang

升学主管; 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校; 曾就职于美国最大的高中代表-剑桥国际; 擅长美国本科,及文商科研究生的申请; 申请到诸如哥伦比亚大学,南加大,达特茅斯,卡耐基梅隆,纽约大学,史密斯女子学院、耶鲁,芝加哥,杜克,伯克利等等众多世界知名大学的录取。 拥有超过7年的留学规划申请经验; 曾在美国加州交换学习多年; 超过7年的美国大学申请经验; 熟知美国高中及大学的升学情况; 擅长根据国内学子的情况申请大学。

Head of College Counselor department; Almost seven-year experience in university applying; Including Columbia University, Dartmouth College, CMU, USC.

余治蓉 Ruby Yu

余治蓉 Ruby Yu

伦敦大学学院教育学硕士; 北京师范大学汉语言文学和生物科学双学士; 曾在中英两国担任中文老师。

Chinese literature Teacher; Graduated from University College London with a Master of Education. Graduated from Beijing Normal University with a double bachlor's degree in Chinese Language and Literature and Biological Sciences. Served as a Chinese teacher in China and the UK.

Nora Liu

Nora Liu

ESL 教师; 东北大学英语学士; 伦敦大学学院对外英语教育硕士; 英语专业八级; 雅思7.5; 擅长口语教学。

ESL Teacher; Graduating from Northeastern University with Bachelor in English Literature; Graduating from UCL with Master in TESOL; TEM 8; IELTS Scoring at 7.5; Specialized in oral English training via affording targeted suggestions individually.


