


Charlie Peng 彭长贵

Charlie Peng 彭长贵



彭校长是全国资深国际教育专家、著名英语教育专家;具有38年教育教学、教育科学研究及中外学校管理经验;也是中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会会员;四川省教育厅授予的高中英语骨干教师培训者;四川省高中课程改革专家组成员;四川师范大学外国语学院硕士研究生导师; 四川省各大媒体特约高考指导资深专家;彭校长出版教育教学科研著作30余部;也曾是联合国开发计划署教育援助项目首席翻译;美国中国大凉山地区贫困学生救助项目执行主席;英国首相顾问Lord Wei爵士与成都市前市长葛红林先生会晤首席翻译; 彭校长还是唯一受邀出席伊丽莎白二世女王诞辰及登基60周年大典酒会的中国教育代表。作为学校校长,他对国内国际教育有着深刻的独到理解,他所提出的“国际视野、中国灵魂、文化使者”的办学理念得到行业的广泛认同和复制。

Mr. Peng is a nationally well-known English and international education expert with 38 years’ rich experience in education and school management; Mr. Peng is also a member of the Chinese Society of English Education, senior English Key Teachers Trainer of Sichuan EDB, member of Sichuan Senior English Curriculum Reform, Postgraduate Tutor of Sichuan Normal University, senior national exam expert of Sichuan media. Mr. Peng has published over 30 Books and worked as the Chief interpreter for UNDP Education Aid Program, and again the CEO of (US) China Poor Kids Redemption Program in Great Liangshan Prefectures. In addition, Mr. Peng was selected as chief interpreter for Lord Wei, adviser of UK Government and Mr. Ge Honglin, Mayor of Chengdu; Mr. Peng was Invited as the only guest from Chinese education to attend the Diamond Jubilee of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. As Principal, Mr. Peng has a deep understanding of both local and international education. His running philosophy “Wide International Perspective, Firm local Root, Cross-Cultural Ambassador” has been widely recognized and copied.




POSITION: Vice-Principal-Academic


Mr. Centeno holds a Bachelor degree of Civil & Structural Engineering from the University of Bradford. He has also received P.G.C.E in Education(Mathematics)from the Aberystwyth College of Wales University.

He has been involved in teaching and management for over 5 years at OIC. Mr. Centeno has deep feelings for China and loves our students. He plans to stay in OIC until retirement.

Michael David Colville

Michael David Colville


POSITION:Chemistry Teacher ,Head of Science

Michael老师从诺丁汉大学取得教育学研究生后就开始从事教育行业。他致力于A-level 化学课程超过20年的时间,曾在多所以A-level教育体系为核心的国际学校及英国本土名校任职和担任管理工作。在英国百年老校圣菲利克斯学校担任科学部主任,为学生提供专业而优质的教育。他所教授的学生多次参加A-Level化学考试获得满分。Michael在我校工作多年,是一位责任心强的优秀国际化学及科学老师。

Michael started his career in education once he obtained an MA in Education from Nottingham University. He has taught A-level Chemistry for more than 20 years in many UK and international schools. He was the head of chemistry in Saint Felix School where he provided professional education to students. His students achieved full marks in A-level exams. Michael worked for CDOIC before and is a professional educator and talented chemistry and science teacher.

Dr. M. Waseem Akram

Dr. M. Waseem Akram


POSITION: Science Teacher

在过去5年间,Waseem博士一直在各个国家的多所高校教授物理,拥有极其丰富的A-level及O-level的课程教学经验,曾获得杰出教学奖及卓越研究奖。Waseem博士具有良好的英语沟通技巧,高效的工作能力以及极强的团队合作意识,针对不同学生他会因材施教、因地制宜。Waseem 博士治学严谨,深受学校学生的欢迎。

Dr. Akram has been teaching physics at college and university level for the last 5 years. He has experience of teaching in A-level and O-Level(GCSE). Dr. Akram has excellent English communication skills, and efficient working ability and a strong team-working ethic.

Paul Philip Wilton

Paul Philip Wilton


POSITION:Biology Teacher


Paul was awarded the Senior Teacher Medal by the Prince Edward of England. He has been teaching biology for more than 20 years and committed to the cultivation of talents. He has rich A-level teaching experience and skills.

Shannon Pope

Shannon Pope


POSITION: English Teacher

Shannon老师曾在各地参与英语语言和文学的研究。她曾积极帮助贫困国家的孩子们提高读写能力,并且通过各种媒介来帮助培养孩子们的写作技能。她曾获得加拿大多伦多约克大学英语荣誉学士学位。Shannon 老师还负责学校学生会和班主任工作,是一位学生喜欢的、亲和力很强的老师。

Mrs. Pope has been involved in research of English language and literature in many countries. She remained active in improving the English reading and writing ability of children in third world nations. She has got a Bachelor’s degree in English with Honors from York University in Toronto, Canada. Shannon is a teacher with strong affinity and popular among students, is also responsible for the student union and tutor.

Declan Dobson

Declan Dobson


POSITION: English Teacher

Declan老师过去三年一直从事不同年龄阶段的英语教学,他在中国多个学校教授过青少年及成人英语。去年他帮助成都多名大学生顺利地通过雅思考试,满足学生出国留学需要,同时为立志于进入外企工作的学生提供培训,使其英语水平大幅提升。Declan 工作很具条理性,除英语教学及班主任工作外,他还负责学校书院体系的指导工作。

Mr. Dobson has a university degree in English with Creative Writing. He has been teaching English for in China for the past 4 years. He helped many university graduates to pass their IELTS test as well as providing training for university graduates to enter foreign companies. Declan is well-organized in his work. In addition to being an English teacher, Declan is also responsible schools house guidance system.

Enoch Peprah

Enoch Peprah


POSITION: Business and Economics Teacher

Enoch老师一直致力于教授中学生经济及商科课程(如:EAP,IGCSE,AS&A-LEVEL,AP,IB),同时他也是IB课程经济学考试的考官。 Enoch老师相信每位学生都有自己的长处,每位学生都与众不同。

Mr. Peprah is an International Baccalaureate (Economics) Examiner and he has been teaching Economics and Business in secondary school (EAP, IGCSE, AS & A-Level, AP and IB) and community colleges since 2008. He believes that each student is special and unique in their own way.

Matthew Ryan Jing

Matthew Ryan Jing


POSITION:Art Teacher

Matthew老师拥有悉尼大学工程硕士和视觉艺术硕士双学位。Matthew在澳大利亚担任过十年的设计师,并在悉尼的大部分博物馆和画廊工作过,并持有全球最权威的剑桥大学美术教师从教资质。他以前一直在北京著名国际学校担任艺术老师,对北京的当代艺术有独到的见解。 他对能够加入牛津国际公学充满了激情,与学生们一起探索艺术的奥秘是他最大的乐趣。他所教授的学生群体,考入伦敦艺术大学中央圣马丁学院等世界顶尖艺术大学,更是寻常之事情。

Mr. Matthew holds a master degree in engineering and a master degree in visual arts form the University of Sydney. Matthew has been a designer in Australia for 10 years and has worked in most of Sydney’s museums and galleries. He holds the world’s most prestigious art teacher qualification. He used to work as an art teacher at prestigious international school in Beijing and has a unique understanding of Beijing’s contemporary art scene. He is full of passion for joining OIC, and it is his greatest pleasure to explore the mysteries of art with students. It is not unusual for his students to be admitted to some of the world’s top art universities, such as Central Saint Martin’s College at the University of the Arts London.

Deryn Lindsey Colville

Deryn Lindsey Colville


POSITION: Head of Boarding


Deryn has been engaged in education industry for more than 20 years, and has worked in many international school running the British curriculum. She was worked famous school in the UK. For example, she was a boarding teacher and administrative teacher at the century- old school of St Felix School. She is committed to providing professional and high quality services to students.

June Huang 黄珺

June Huang 黄珺


POSITION: Head of Mathematics ,Director of Curriculum


Miss Huang has been teaching Mathematics in CDOIC since 2011. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge and the Master's Degree in Education from the University of Edinburgh. Ms. Huang is an inspiration to the students and she is helping students for similar success. Her professional teaching ability has gained admiration from both students and parents. It's quite common that her students achieve full marks in A-level math exams.

Lulu Chen 陈露

Lulu Chen 陈露


POSITION: Math Teacher


Miss Chen has a Master degree in Education from the University of Glasgow. Her postgraduate study is focused on the differences of learning methods between male and female. She has abundant teaching experiences in Math and Physics. She is good at applying mathematics to real life experiences so that students can taste the fun of learning. Miss Chen has been working in our school for many years and most of his students have achieved full marks in A-level mathematics and statistics exams.

Doris Zhang 张利

Doris Zhang 张利


POSITION: Biology & Math Teacher


Miss Zhang has bachelor degree from Huazhong Agricultural University and abundant teaching experience in Biology & Math for 4 years. She enjoys teaching and her classes are lively. Miss Zhang has interests in visual recording and she is good at leading students to draw mind maps to increase the interest and efficiency of learning.

Nate Wang 汪敦

Nate Wang 汪敦


POSITION: Chemistry Teacher


Nate Wang graduated from Central China Normal University, majored in Chemistry for talented students. He has three year’s chemistry teaching experience in international schools and one-year teaching experience in Physics. He likes to incorporate Chinese teaching approaches with western teaching methods, valuing consolidating foundations of basic concepts whilst encouraging students to think critically. He has a strict but approachable style of teaching.

Sandy Bi 毕然

Sandy Bi 毕然


POSITION: Art Teacher


Miss Bi graduated from the Northwest University for Nationalities with a post-graduate degree in Art Design, specialized in Graphic and Environmental Design. During her under-graduate study, Miss Bi was focused on Oil Painting and she has received a Bachelor’s degree in both Art and English. Miss Bi has been working in our school for 4 years, and has contributed significantly to promote art students to world top universities. Miss Bi wishes to help the students in OIC for a better result.

Tina Li 李梓田

Tina Li 李梓田


POSITION:Economics Teacher


Miss Li graduated from University of Canterbury with a bachelor degree of business management. She also has a master degree in software & information technology from Lincoln University as well as a postgraduate certificate of international education with Merit from university of Nottingham. She has been working in large financial institutions and international schools for several years. She is a professional educator and a talented economic teacher. Miss Li has been working in our school for three years, is widely recognized by students because of her solid expertise and patient teaching style.

Livia Li 黎越

Livia Li 黎越


POSITION: Chinese and Culture Teacher


Miss Li graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a master degree in Chinese as a foreign language. She was a language teacher in the international department of Shenzhen Futian Experimental middle school and taught foreign students at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Miss Li is good at using a variety of teaching methods to mobilize the students’ enthusiasm for learning and is deeply love and praised by the students.

Jessie Liu 刘婷

Jessie Liu 刘婷




Miss Liu is graduated from Chengdu Sports Institute. She is a national first-level social sports instructor, national second-level referee and a senior middle school teacher. Jessie teaches students in accordance with their aptitudes, ages, levels and needs. While she insists on cultivating students’ interest and specialty, advocating students to learn innovatively. She always cares about the interaction with students, emphasis on teaching students the scientific methods of exercise.

Jack Cheng 程鑫

Jack Cheng 程鑫




Mr. Cheng graduated from Chengdu Sports Institute in 2012. He is a top teacher who pays close attention to every student. Jack always inspires students with hardworking spirit and practical actions to pursue the best development.

Shirley Pi 皮春燕

Shirley Pi 皮春燕




Miss Pi graduated from Chongqing Normal University with a bachelor degree in biological sciences. She also has a master degree in Bioengineering from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Miss Pi is keen on international education. She is willing to bring her methods and experience of scientific experiments during her university to the school to cultivate students' skills in scientific experiments.

Sophie Tang 汤昭瑾

Sophie Tang 汤昭瑾


POSITION:Moral Educator

汤老师毕业于扬州大学 ,曾在青岛墨尔文、青岛国开中学QCE海外高中,担任德育主任。汤老师是一位非常有亲和力和责任心的教师,尊重学生、信任学生、平等相待,是她工作的理念;既严格要求学生,又不教条死板,擅于激发学生的自我管理意识,深受学生和家长的信任和好评。

Miss Tang graduated from Yangzhou university and served as the director of moral education in QCE oversea high school of Qingdao MCQ and Qingdao Guokai middle school. As a very amiable and responsible teacher, she respects, trusts and treats students as equals. It is not only strict with students, but also not rigid. It is good at stimulating students' sense of self-management, which is highly praised and trusted by students and parents.


