凯莱德国际幼儿日托为 0-6 岁的儿童科学地制定了适宜发展的课程,确保每个年龄段的孩子都能得到最好 的发展支持。
Our Curriculum
GLAD has created a curriculum that caters to the needs of children aged from 0 to 6 years old. We work to ensure that each child can get the best support possible.
0-3 岁托育课程
以 NueroNet(Vision、Hear- ing、Balance、Muscle Memo- r y )的 理 论 为 基 础 , 结 合 园 区 的 课程标准设置课程配比。重点 在于科学保育,促进该阶段孩 子的生理发展及各项基础技能 的发展。
10 人制小班 3 名中教
Early Care for Children 0-3 Years Old
This program uses NeuroNet (Vision, Hearing, Balance, Muscle Memory) as its basis and incorporates GLAD’s own teaching principles. It focuses on caring for young children in a scientific way and aims to support and enhance their early stage development.
10 students/class
3 Chinese teachers/class
Half-day or whole day
2-6 岁日托课程
主要为 2-6 岁的孩子提供平衡 中西文化、以孩子发展为核心 的全天日托课程。
15人制小班 3名中教 + 1名外教 全天班
Day Care for Children 2-6 Years Old
The day care program offers lessons that balance Chinese and Western culture and focus on children’s individual development.
15 students/class
1 foreign teacher + 3 Chinese teachers/class
Whole day
3-6 岁增益课程
主要为 3-6 岁的孩子设置的 特色教学课程,以专业的课程 视角出发,帮助孩子获得多方 位全面发展。
12人制小班 专业增益课程老师 课时班
Enrichment Program for Children 3-6 Years Old
The enrichment program covers a range of professional fields and helps children become more well-rounded individuals.
12 students/class
Taught by subject professionals
培养基本的独立生活能力、基本的规则感和良 好的生活习惯;学习简单的情绪管理;逐步适 应中英双语环境,开始双母语学习的早期启蒙; 在游戏和玩耍的过程中探索世界;大、小肌肉 运动的训练;坚持“每日亲子阅读”。
Learning Goals at Specific Stages
2-3 Years Old
Establish good living habits and a basic understanding of rules; learn to manage emotions; gradually get used to learning in a bilingual environment; explore the unknown through games and free play; maintain exercise; keep up with daily reading.
3-4 岁
逐步具备遵守规则的能力;听、说等基础双语 言能力和社会情绪管理能力得到发展;激发好 奇心、培养探究学习的基本技能;更为复杂的 运动训练;坚持“每日亲子阅读”。
3-4 Years Old
Become capable of following instructions; develop the ability to read, write and control emotions; maintain a strong sense of curiosity; begin to develop basic research skills; be able to participate in more complex exercises; keep up with daily reading.
4-5 岁
培养双语言的读、写能力;交流能力和社交情 感的发展显著提高;开始掌握基本的学习技能, 包括口语表达、问题的分析与解决能力等;在 跨学科的活动中习得数学、科学等学科的基础 知识。进入分级阅读阶段,坚持“每日分级阅 读”。
4-5 Years Old
Develop reading and writing skills in English and Chinese; be able to communicate and interact with others; establish basic verbal expression and problem solving skills; gain basic knowledge in mathematics, science, and other subjects. Enter the levelled reading program and keep up with daily reading assignments.
5-6 岁
继续通过跨学科的教学活动认知自我、探究世 界,并通过音乐、美术等多种手段进行个性化表 达;重点训练阅读理解能力和口头表达能力; 提高双语言的读、写能力;培养专注力与反思 能力、同伴协调能力;坚持每日分级阅读;为 小学生活做好准备。
5-6 Years Old
Learn about the self and the world through the interdisciplinary curriculum; develop expressive skills through studying music and art; practice reading and verbal expression skills; improve reading and writing skills in English and Chinese; establish the ability to concentrate and reflect upon past experience, become familiar with team work; keep up with daily levelled reading assignments and prepare for primary school.
Daily Routine
Arrival & Free Play Time
Circle Time
Bathroom & Fruits Time
Group Activity
Library Time
Gym Time
Bathroom & Lunch & Center Walk & Bathroom
Story Time & Nap Time
Bathroom & Snack
Group Activity 2
Beneficial Activity
凯莱德国际幼托更像是一个幸福社区。我们在这里培养会爱、会生活、会学习的未来公民,让孩子、家长、老师 一同成长。
Our Workshop – A Friendly Community
GLAD is a friendly community. We aim to nurture future citizens who are able to love, live and learn. Our children grow together with our parents and teachers.
Enrichment Program
不拘泥于传统的作画方式,而是运用更丰富的综合材料的探索,注重培养 孩子长期的审美鉴赏能力、创造力和视觉表达能力;并鼓励孩子阐述自 己的作品,表达自己的想法,建立孩子自信心和公众发言能力。除此之外, 让孩子参与园区艺术中心的运营,培养孩子团队协作、计划与实践等综合 素质。
Contemporary Art Course
Our contemporary art course widens the possibilities of art making by incorporating a great variety of materials. This course stresses the importance of nurturing children’s creativity, visual expression skills, and general ability to appreciate beauty. Children are encouraged to present their works using their own language. By bringing them to the forefront of artistic presentation, this program enhances children’s confidence and public speaking skills. Additionally, children can actively participate in running GLAD’s art gallery and therefore have the chance to formulate and execute plans and practice working with others.
孩子在学习音乐的过程中建立对音乐的认知,通过训练聆听,培养孩子专 注力,并将音乐六大元素速度、音色、音高、力度、节奏、拍子融入课程。以 丰富多样的音乐类型为教材,结合绘本和文学,鼓励孩子进行音乐创作。 让孩子感受音乐的美好,并了解多种多样的音乐风格。
Music Course
Through teaching the 6 musical elements (tempo, timbre, pitch, dynamics, rhythm, time signature), the music course establishes a basic understanding of music and trains children’s ability to concentrate. The course merges music compositions of various genres with art and literature and encourages children to create their own music.
颠覆传统的运动模式,将体能运动融入课程。通过合理的运动量设计,增 强孩子体适能,切实从孩子的身心出发,发掘与培养学龄前孩子的运动天 赋,让孩子在运动中享受自信与成就感。
Physical Fitness Course
This course breaks the traditional mode of physical exercise by making physical fitness the focal point. Through the careful design of sports activities, children’s physical fitness and skills are nurtured. More importantly, this course enables children to experience the fun and rewarding feeling sports bring.
将绘本变为剧本,通过戏剧游戏的学习方式,在游戏中渗透剧本情节,逐 渐开发儿童戏剧基础能力,让孩子最终以规定情境与即兴结合的形式呈 现剧目。
Children’s Chinese Theater Course
The scripts used in this course are based on picture books. Through acting exercises, children are able to experiment with theatrical elements and participate in productions that involve both fixed settings and improvisation.
摒弃传统课程中的刻板教学,采用北美儿童演讲教学方法,运用“头脑风 暴网”、“韦恩图表”、“思维导图”等图表训练孩子逻辑思维能力,结合戏剧 教学,解放孩子天性,培养孩子面对公众的演说能力。
Speech Course
The speech course employs the American method of speech education and uses visual diagrams to train children’s critical thinking skills. By marrying logical thinking with theater, this course aims to free children from existing restraints and encourage them to be bold and confident when speaking to the public.
园区设有深圳最大、藏书最多的少儿中英文分级阅读图书馆,按照孩子在 不同年龄段的智力和心理发育程度,提供分类、渐进式中英文教学课程, 并将课程分为四大板块:自然拼读、大师绘本阅读、分级阅读课程和原著 精读,给予孩子更有针对性的阅读指导。
English Reading Course
GLAD has the largest bilingual library in Shenzhen. The books are arranged according to their corresponding age groups and reading levels. They are separated into four categories: phonics, masters’ picture books, levelled books and classic novels. The English reading course makes use of the resources in the library and caters to each child’s reading abilities and needs.
家长的陪伴是孩子教育不可缺失的一 环。通过开设亲子主题的空中塑型、阅 读、烘焙等活动,促进父母与孩子之间的 感情。
Family Bonding
Family time is essential to children’s growth. GLAD offers many opportunities for families to spend time together; our family bonding events range from yoga, reading, to baking.
我们为学生家长提供以沙龙、专题茶会 等形式多样的生活美学工作坊。凯莱德 不仅是孩子成长的乐园,也是成人感受 文艺生活方式、收获自我成长的空间。
GLAD offers salons, themed events and workshops to our parents. We hope to not only be a place for children to learn and grow but also a space where adults can interact and progress as individuals.
凯莱德的孩子是在书海中成长的。在凯莱德国际幼儿日托,每天必不可少的便是与书籍相 遇。无论是在早上入园或者是中午前往就餐的路上,孩子都会见到深圳最大、藏书最多的少 儿中英文分级阅读图书馆。下午,孩子会选好自己喜爱的绘本,静静地坐在角落中阅读,体 验书籍中有趣的故事情节和地道的英语对话,并积极与同伴、老师、家长分享自己的收获。
凯莱德的孩子也是在艺术的熏陶中成长的。园区的环境创建与设计都极具艺术感。配合东 西方不同节气和节庆为主题的布置,让孩子在享受美的同时了解到中西方不同的文化内 涵。孩子会根据不同的主题创造出具有个人风格的艺术作品。园区设置“大小艺术”空间,作 为深圳市首家儿童艺廊,让孩子从创作到策展,全程参与艺术品与艺术市场的运营。孩子的 作品和艺术创作的身影将成为凯莱德“美术馆”中一道独一无二的风景。
Our Campus
Reading is an essential part of life at GLAD. We have the biggest bilingual children’s library in Shenzhen and our levelled reading system is able to meet children’s various needs and interests. Situated at the heart of our campus, the library is a space that our children encounter daily. Whether it is during library time or a brief afternoon stroll, children are able to casually pick up a book that interests them and delve into the world of reading.
Art is equally important. At GLAD, children are exposed to the influence of both Chinese and Western art and are encouraged to create works that are uniquely their own. Big and tiny gallery is a space dedicated to the exhibition of children’s artworks. As the first children’s gallery in Shenzhen, it gives children a chance to curate and watch as their own artworks go on display to the public.
1. Applications
Please fill in the application forms. Our admission officer will be in contact with you and answer your questions.
2. Campus Tour
Attend our school open day and visit our school.
Visting Time: Monday to Friday, please make an appointment with our admission teachers.
3. Interview and Assessment
An interview and assessment will be conducted with parents. After that, our admission officers will contact with the parents and give out our admission letter.
4. Admission Procedure
Finish the procedure of admission and pay the tuition fee. The school clothes, school bag and beddings will be distributed. Parents shall prepare for the related information and items of daily use. Before the school begin, parents will have a one-to-one conversation with the head teacher of class. Parents will submit relevant documents and confirm about the time of enrollment.
5. Enrollment
Enroll in school on time and begin the journey in Glad!