


Ladner Gregory David

外方校长; Greg拥有丰富的学校管理经验,对教育有独特的见解。他擅长沟通与合作,富幽默感,投身教育行业近40年,曾担任香港国际学校副校长和中学项目讲习班负责人。他亦是资深的A-level课程专家,拥有丰富的制定学校课程经验。阿德莱德大学理学士;西澳大学教育领导学荣誉硕士;香港国际学校9年副校长(初中和高中);在澳大利亚、英国、香港教授A-level数学与微积分35年。 Experienced administrator and passionate about student life, social emotional and service learning in schools. Strength as a communicator and collaborator - and a sense of humor. Greg has dedicated to education for nearly 40 years and has been associated principal of Hong Kong International School for 9 years. He has International Baccalaureate experience and was MYP Workshop Leader. He is an expert in A-level curriculum and has extensive experience in formulating school curricula. University of Adelaide Bachelor of Science; University of Western Australia Masters in Education Leadership (Honors); Hong Kong International School Associate Principal (Middle School and High School); Teaching mathematics and calculus in in Australia, Britain and Hong Kong for 35 years.


专业校长; 苏教授拥有英国皇家音乐学院小提琴表演硕士文凭,是中国第一位获得英国职业乐团伯恩茅斯室内和交响乐团永久席位的小提琴家,拥有30多年室内乐及交响乐演奏经验,更曾作为艺术节总监领衔和创立了皇家音乐学院教授室内乐团。除了传统音乐研究外,苏教授还曾发起和参与了一系列前沿性的研发项目,如为湖南电视台中国首批外派英国学习的影视专业制作人员提供专业咨询、参与伯恩茅斯大学音乐数字模拟化研发、伦敦硅谷金三角虚拟(VR)、人工智能(AI)及动漫技术应用于音乐和建筑设计的尝试。 英国皇家音乐学院小提琴表演硕士; 湖北艺术学院文学学士文凭; Professor Su holds a master's degree in violin performance from the Royal Academy of Music. He is the first Chineseviolinist to obtain a permanent seat in the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. He has more than 30 years of chamber music and symphony performance experience and was once the director of arts festival. He has initiated and participated in a series of cutting-edge R&D projects, such as providing professional consultation for the first batch of staff from Hunan TV who travels to UK to learn production, participating in the research and development of Bournemouth University’s music digital simulation, combining VR, AI and animation technology applied and music and architectural design. Royal Academy of Music Master in violin performance Hubei Vocational College of Art Bachelor of Arts


校监; 张校监投身教育界近50年,曾任津贴小学校长近20年,期间出任资助小学校长会主席,拥有丰富的学校管理经验,对教育改革和发展有全面的了解。近年张校监致力推动香港与内地的教育交流合作,积极推动大湾区教育融合。 香港中文大学教育学士; 香港中文大学教育硕士; 中港校长专业发展促进会主席; 香港资助小学校长会名誉主席; 香港青少年发展联会(油尖旺区)主席; 香港初等教育研究学会执行编辑; 香港油麻地天主教小学(海泓道); 香港保良局道教联合会圆玄小学校长; Mr. Cheung has been in the education industry for nearly 50 years. He has served as the principal of aided primary schools for nearly 20 years. During this period, he was the chairperson of Hong Kong Aided Primary School Heads Association. Hehas extensive school management experience and a comprehensive understanding of education reform and development.In recent years, he has been committed to promoting educational exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kongand mainland China, and actively promoting the integration of education in the Greater Bay Area. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Master in Education; The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Education; Mainland&HongKong Principal's Professional Development Association Chairperson; Hong Kong Aided Primary School Heads Association Honorary Chairperson; Hong Kong Association of Youth Development (YauTsimMong District) Chairperson; Hong Kong Primary Education Research AssociationManaging editor; Yaumati Catholic Primary School Principal; PLK HKTA Yuen Yuen Primary School Principal.



美国演员。曾出演多部香港导演陈木胜、程小东等人执导的影片;曾参演电影《无问西东》。擅长美式英语(任何地方的口音),能用熟练的日语交流。还会街舞、交谊舞,击剑,拳击等。能够熟练地掌握音乐录制的相关操作。还会骑马、网球、篮球及任何室内运动。ACTOR,Brian is an American Actor and has appeared in numerous films directed by famous Hong Kong directors such as Chen Musheng and Cheng Xiaodong. Brian is also skilled at music recording and doing voice-overs, dancing hip-hop, and ballroom, and participates in a variety of sports such as horse riding, basketball, and tennis.



出生于英国,在伦敦西部的当代舞蹈和芭蕾舞学校专业学习。Esther是法兰克福的芭蕾艺术家,2006年开始在全球进行巡回演出,表演她与团队所创作的作品。2012年,Esther成为维也纳舞蹈教授,目前在维也纳的音乐艺术大学担任教授导师。同时她是Rambert学校和芭蕾舞团Preljocaj的客座教师- Impulstanz国际舞蹈节的工作室负责人。 Born in England, Esther studied at the Rambert School for Contemporary Dance and Ballet in London. She spent a number of years based in Frankfurt and toured the world performing in works created by her and her team. In 2012 Esther became a Professor of Dance in Vienna and is currently a professor and tutor at the University of Music and Arts University Vienna. Her recent positions include guest teacher at the Rambert School and Ballet Preljocaj and workshop leader for ImPulsTanz International Dance Festival.

Christina Scheicher

Christina Scheicher

萨尔茨堡莫扎特大学研究生,在奥地利青年钢琴独奏和室内乐比赛中多次获得一等奖。自2013年10月起,于“Accio钢琴三重奏”乐团演出。自2014年起,成为“Yehudi Menuhin - - Live Music Now Salzburg”的成员,并到中国、巴黎、和意大利等地演出。 A graduate student from Mozart University in Salzburg, she has won first prizes in Austrian Youth Piano Solo and Chamber Music Competitions. Since October 2013, she has performed in the "Accio Piano Trio" Orchestra. Since 2014, she has been a member of "Yehudi Menuhin--Live Music Now Salzburg" and has performed in China, Paris,Italy and other places.

Markus Obereder

Markus Obereder

曾在莫扎特音乐大学和美国路易斯安那州立大学研读音乐教育、器乐音乐教育以及合唱和管弦乐指挥。他曾在Musisches Gymnasium和MozarteumSalzburg任教。在流行音乐中,他被称为所谓的“光纤管弦乐队”中的歌手和乐器演奏家。 Markus Obereder studied music education, instrumental music education and chorus and orchestral conductor at Mozart University of Music and Louisiana State University. He has taught at Musisches Gymnasium and Mozarteum Salzburg. In popular music, he is known as a singer and instrumentalist in the so-called "optical orchestra".

Oscar Marin Reyes

Oscar Marin Reyes

毕业于萨尔茨堡莫扎特大学,师从约翰•托马森博士。他的演出经验相当丰富,曾在萨尔茨堡莫扎特大学出演多部作品。2018年8月,他在萨尔茨堡音乐节上首次以演员身份亮相。2019年2月,他与获奖的德国钢琴家茱莉亚•林德尔(Julia Rinderle)共同创立了一个二重奏乐组,演奏独唱晚会与演奏会。在同年11 月,他加入了TeodorCurrentzis创立的“MusicAeterna”乐团,担任客座艺术家和乐团成员。 Graduated from Mozart University of Salzburg, under the tutelage of Dr. John Thomason. He has a wealth of performance experience and has appeared in many works at the Mozart University of Salzburg. In August 2018,he made his debut as an actor at the Salzburg Music Festival. In February 2019, he co-founded a duet group with award-winning German pianist Julia Rinderle, performing solo evenings and recitals. In November of the same year,he joined the "MusicAeterna" orchestra founded by TeodorCurrentzis as a guest artist and member of the orchestra.

PabloMarin Reyes

PabloMarin Reyes

毕业于哥斯达黎加大学长号演奏专业,是出色的长号新秀。他于2018年考获维也纳私立音乐艺术大学长号演奏硕士。2017年,他曾进入哥斯达黎加国家交响乐团全国比赛“年轻独奏家”决赛(2017),在2020年获得在西班牙瓦伦西亚Innovatrombone大赛第5类获得第一名,以及在哥斯达黎加大学交响乐团独奏比赛中勇夺第一名。 He graduated from the University of Costa Rica with a major in trombone performance and is an outstanding rookie trombone. In 2018, he received a master's degree in trombone performance from the Private University of Music and Arts in Vienna. In 2017, he entered the final of the "Young Soloist" of the Costa Rica National Symphony Orchestra National Competition (2017), won the first place in the 5th category of the Innovatrombone Competition in Valencia, Spain in 2020, and in the Solo Competition of the University of Costa Rica Symphony Orchestra he won first place.

Clemens bock

Clemens bock

奥地利国家青年比赛“Prima la Musica”中获得了多个奖项,并完成不同风格的作曲。克莱门斯曾与多位音乐家合作过独奏和室内乐课程,参加各种欧洲具代表性的室内乐团演出。萨尔茨堡莫扎特大学小提琴演奏与音乐理论本科毕业,于2013年创立了阿克西奥钢琴三重奏,在奥地利、德国和中国等国家举办了音乐会。 Clemens won multiple awards in the Austrian national youth competition "Prima la Musica" and completed different styles of composition. Clemens has worked with many musicians in solo and chamber music courses,and participated in various European representative chamber orchestras.He graduated from the Mozarteum University Salzburg with a bachelor's degree in violin performance and music theory. In 2013, he founded a Piano Trio and held concerts in Austria, Germany and China.

Giorgia Gasparetto

Giorgia Gasparetto

4岁开始学习芭蕾界、现代舞,后来在SEAD开始研究舞蹈,在此期间她曾就读于Tisch艺术学院(纽约市)。她曾与著名编舞家合作,包括Julyen Hamillon, Mala Kline, Mlla Koistnen, Edivado Emesto和Jos Baker,亦曾于歌剧“Lincoronazione di Poppea中表演"Salzburger Fesispiele”。 She started studying ballet, modern dance and SEAD at the age of 4, and started her dance studies in Salzburg,during which time she studied at the Tisch Academy of Art (New York City). She has worked with famouschoreographers such as Julyen Hamillon, Mala Kline, Mlla Koistnen, Edivado Emesto and Jos Baker. She has performed "Salzburger Fesispiele" in the opera "Lincoronazione di Poppea".

Michael Grohotolsky

Michael Grohotolsky

维也纳合唱团的主任以及维也纳音乐和表演艺术大学教授指挥,合奏和器乐指挥。维也纳青年合唱团的艺术总监,除了担任指挥和合唱团主任之外,他还作为客座讲师,研讨会负责人和奥地利及国外各种合唱比赛的评委会成员。 Director of the Vienna Choir and professor of ensemble and instrumental conductors at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts. Michael is the artistic director of the Vienna Youth Choir, and in addition to serving as conductor and choir director, he also serves as a guest lecturer, seminar leader and member of the jury of various choral competitions in Austria and abroad.

Yaghvali Falzari

Yaghvali Falzari

拥有里昂第二大学(法国)和德拉图西亚大学(意大利)的艺术史和历史学学士和硕士学位及伍尔弗汉普顿大学(英国)舞蹈科学硕士学位。她的教学经验丰富,从 2017 年到 2019 年,她在 SEAD 担任学院协调员和全职芭蕾舞教师。此前她曾与伦敦戏剧学校、英国Danceworks、瑞士瓦莱州音乐学院等学院和机构合作。 She has earned both Bachelor and masters degrees in arts history and History at Université Lumière Lyon 2(France)/UniversitàdellaTuscia (Italy), and a Dance Science MSc at Wolverhampton University (UK). She has a rich teaching experience. From 2017 until 2019, she took the position of academy coordinator and full-time ballet faculty in SEAD. As a teacher, Yaghvali worked with the London Theatre School (UK), Danceworks (UK) and Conservatoire du Valais (Switzerland).

Manuel Ronda

Manuel Ronda

于卡尔伯格芭蕾舞团、瑞典皇家芭蕾舞团和斯德哥尔摩丹森特鲁姆芭蕾舞团以及谢欣舞蹈团教授当代舞蹈和戏剧工作坊。在马赛芭蕾舞团、萨尔茨堡的SEAD舞蹈学校、阿姆斯特丹的剧院HJF、戏剧学校、苏黎世的坦扎乌斯任教;并在世界各地举办的工作坊。 He has been regularly teaching contemporary dance and theatre workshops for the Cullberg Ballet, the Swedish Royal Ballett and the Dans Centrum in Stockholm, for Xie Xin Dance Company in Shangai, for Ballet de Marseille,the experimental dance school SEAD in Salzburg, in Amsterdam for the Theater school and the HJF, the TanzHaus in Zurich, and workshops held worldwide.

Kevin Polak

Kevin Polak

凯文·波拉克是一名专业编导、舞蹈家和教师, 他与当代舞蹈界众多著名编导有过30多年的合作经验,并创造出一种独特的舞蹈语言。作为编导, 他发明了自己的舞蹈技术体系, 称为个人即兴创作。 Kevin Pollack is a professional choreographer, dancer and teacher. He has worked with many famous choreographers in contemporary dance circles for more than 30 years and has created a unique dance language. As a choreographer, he invented his own dance technique system, called personal improvisation.


